Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Hi, and welcome to my blog!!  I am new to this so I will just start off with the basics.  I'm a stay at home mom to three children, living in coastal NC.  For anyone interested in the meaning of the title of my blog, it's a bible verse that I've recently realized is a perfect description of me, lol.  It says, "A nagging spouse is like the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet; You can't turn it off, and you can't get away from it."  Proverbs27: 15-16(MSG).  That's me...a leaky faucet.

I have asked God to help me change this about myself, instead of being a nagging wife, I want to be more like the Proverbs 31 wife.  I'm laughing as I type that because, if God were to give me some kind of Damascus Road experience and fix my leak, so to speak, it would be such a radical difference that my husband may think I've lost my mind or completely given up and have me committed.  So, slow and steady will suffice, and eventually with God's help I will be this woman: "Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.  She will not hinder him but help him all of her life."  
Proverbs 31:11-12.

So, that's why I started this blog.  To make a journal of my progress toward shutting off my leak and share what I learn with others.  Hopefully, someone other than my mom will read it :) !